6 Things to Avoid While You are on Medication

1. Alcohol- Whenever a doctor prescribes some medicine, he usually tells you not to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol while having on medication can make your drug less effective and even useless. It also can make you sicker than before. Alcohol can also cause terrible side effects.

2. Coffee- Coffee contains caffeine that can both stimulates the effects and side effects of the medicine. It is highly advisable to avoid coffee if you are taking antidepressant medicine. You should also avoid it if you are on medication for serious allergy.

3. Milk- Nutrients like calcium, magnesium, protein, and casein present in dairy products can make it difficult for your body to process certain antibiotics. If you are taking medicine consult your doctor to find out the foods and products to stay away from.

4. Chocolate- Dark chocolate taken with certain medicines can also weaken the effects of medicine.It boost the power of certain drug and can make your blood pressure high.

5. Iron Supplement- Iron supplement can also lower the effects of drugs.If you take supplements together with medicine, you should talk to your doctor about it.

6. Vitamin K- If you are on the medication taken to treat blood related disease, you should be aware about the amount of vitamin K you are taking. Some foods are rich in vitamin K such as spinach ,sprouts,cabbage, some dairy products and cucumber. You should consult about the food with your doctors if you are on medication.

You should seek immediate medical HELP if you observe any negative changes in you body



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